Susan was awarded Precision Health Alliance's Coach of the Year in 2023.
Most people wouldn’t know where to begin or how to properly implement the information. I provide you with that user manual and the expertise on how to implement it so you can achieve lasting results.
These are all things I hear from my clients when they come to me looking for answers. Most programs, diets, and protocols are based on generic protocols, not the genetics and unique needs of the individual. “Experts” and influencers tout what has worked for them. The truth is that no one lifestyle protocol or way of eating is right for everyone! 40-60% of people are non-responders to different protocols! We are all uniquely created, thus every one of us has unique needs and requires something different to be in your “flow.” Intermittent fasting, HIIT training, early morning workouts, plant-based and keto are not ideal for everyone.
Many people come to me looking for answers to the issues mentioned above. They want to feel good, and feel they have to start fixing things to get results they want. The truth is, when we are in “fix it” mode, we will stay in “fix it” mode! It’s looking for things that are wrong and trying to make them right. This typically creates a cycle of always finding something to fix! There is so much great to every human, and when we have all the information regarding how someone was created before birth, we create a human being living their flow, virtually limitless in possibilities.
My coaching focuses on what can we do to optimize a person, not fix them. When you give the body all the things it requires to function optimally, it naturally regains balance and thrives. Now, there is the former cop in me who always looks for the “why,” of things. Understanding how you got to where you are is part of the journey. I combine that expertise and human component with all the information from my platforms, and transformations begin-on the inside and the outside.
We work together to create your personalized health plan starting with an AI platform called “Shae.” Shae is a personal health platform that measures your genetic expression. Shae technology combines 15 different layers of science, looking at how you were formed in the womb, including the predominant hormones that drive you. What happens during embryological formation predicts the likeliness of growth and disease through one’s lifespan. Your unique profile is generated, and no two people in the world have identical profiles, even identical twins with identical DNA!
How is this possible? Because your DNA never changes- it’s what you inherited from your mother and father. However, the expression of your DNA changes all the time! Every choice you make, from what you eat to when you sleep, interactions, are all either turning your genes on or off- this is epigenetics. You actually have control of about 95% of your genes and how they express, just by the choices you make! Shae meets you exactly where you are at any given time- how your genes are expressing, your “phenotype,” or current state of your body.
We pinpoint optimal times for you to Eat, Workout, sleep, use your mind for creativity or detail-oriented thinking. We work with the ideal types of exercise and nutrient-dense foods for your body. This ensures that your genes are expressing in the best possible ways for you, so you can live your FLOW!
Working with me, we know all of the things that are great for you, and take out the guesswork. My program is personalized to go at your pace, not to create overwhelm. I provide support, guidance, accountability in a non-judgmental environment. We are a partnership, working together to achieve your goals.
My coaching program combines the platform of DNA with the technology of Shae, plus the human component of your coach knowing you…the true you. We see the propensities from your DNA blueprint (is your current lifestyle taking you in the right direction?) and the precision health information and recommendations according to where you are now (your user manual) while I incorporate 7 years of coaching experience with a personal, human touch.
If you are tired of spinning your wheels, not getting results, and are ready to live your flow, I invite you try something unlike anything you will ever experience….and get you the results without the guesswork. Get the peace of mind that you are going down the right path to optimal health and wellness…according to how you were created. Work with a coach who “gets it,” because I’ve been there and can fully relate.
Gold Program:
• 3 panels DNA (including kit, online report, additional report from Susan)
• 6 months access to PHA/Shae platform
• 90 minute onboarding session to PHA/Shae platform
• 6 x 1-hour coaching sessions
• Anytime access to me via text, email
most suitable for biohackers, those seeking the final piece to their optimization puzzle.
Platinum Program:
• 6 panels DNA (including kit, online report, additional report from Susan)
• 1 year access to PHA/Shae platform
• 90 minute onboarding session to PHA/Shae platform
• 12 x 1-hour coaching sessions
• Anytime access to me via text, email
• Longer coach support, more time to set and achieve goals
Silver Program
• 3 panels DNA (including kit, online report, additional report from Susan)
• 3 months access to PHA/Shae platform
• 90 minute onboarding session to PHA/Shae platform
• 3 x 1-hour coaching sessions
Bronze Program
• 6 mo PH360
• 90 min PH360 onboarding
• 6 coaching sessions (2 - 60 mins, 4 - 30 min)