"Susan is an amazing support system and a wealth of knowledge about nutrition, keeping a positive attitude and managing your streSs."


“Following a traumatic accident in which I lost the love of my life, I gained 50 pounds in the blink of an eye. I had generally been eating well prior to this event and completely lost any semblance of sanity related to my general health and wellness. Susan agreed to take me on as a client and painstakingly suffered through the first six months in which I got my head right. She was tenacious without judgement and compassionate while urging me in the right direction. Had it not been for the accountability of biweekly meetings and how attentive she is, I’m sure I’d have gained another 50 instead of maintaining. I happily signed up for a second period with Susan. I look forward to the learning and more visible results this time around. So thankful for Susan’s caring support during the single most awful time of my life. She got me back to caring about my health and wellness so I can be here for my daughter. That is worth everything. Susan gets my highest recommendation. She gets it.”

– Staci

"Susan found I have a rare genetic condition that has a huge impact on my diet. This long term problem has been resolved. She did an awesome job at drilling down and figuring this out. Highly recommend!"


“My top three goals for the 6-month program were feeling better, losing weight, and learning how and what foods work together to help make me healthy and feel good. I would describe Susan as kind, knowledgeable, energized, organized, sincere, helpful and detailed. A wonderful person inside and out. You’re the best!! The biggest overall change I have noticed has been my attitude, emotions, strength and weight. I am becoming a different person—in a good way. My emotions aren’t all over the place, which helps me have a better attitude. And I believe that has helped the weight come off. This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. It’s amazing to be able to notice how different foods can affect you so quickly after you start the program. And it’s really not a program, it is a lifestyle change that you won’t ever want to change again because this works!"


"Susan is not your typical health coach. SO many health coaches I have met and spoken to in the past come across as diet and working out is the only way. Susan has shown me this is not the case. She has shown me a better way of eating for MY body, a better way to lower MY daily stress in a way that fits MY needs. Susan has shown me that even though I am a busy mom, business owner and live with two different autoimmune diseases; that I can feel good again. Make time for ME so that I am a better mom, wife, boss, friend, etc

I have to tell you I didn't see how I was going to get my energy back or have any sense of a normal life again. Susan works her program to fit you, you are not expected to fit into some pre-made mold. We are all different and have different needs. Susan sees that and works with you to help you get back to the best you, you can be. The true you."
-Amber S.

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